How to Grow Blue Concord Grapes

After cultivating and experimenting for years, Ephraim Bull developed the Concord grape around 1850 in Concord, Massachusetts. The parent plant of all Concord grapes still grows at his home site today. The blue Concord grape (Vitis labrusca "Concord"), flavorful and juicy, is one of the most popular American grapes. It is a major source of commercial grape juice. Blue Concord grapes are easy to grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. The vines are cold-tolerant and easier to grow than many European grape varieties. The homeowner who wants to grow Concord grapes does not need much land. Grapes can be planted next to fences, trellises and arbors. The grape vines are decorative, and can serve as a privacy screen in summer. Concord grapes are great eaten fresh, or made into juice, jams, jellies or wine.

  • Select a sunny site to grow Concord grape vines. The best sites are on south-facing slopes, on the south side of buildings, or on the south side of windbreaks.
  • Prepare the soil for planting. Weed the area. If the soil does not drain well, use a tiller to loosen the soil, and mix in sand, compost or animal manure. Add a top layer of compost or manure to improve the soil, even if you have no drainage problems.
  • Build a trellis or arbor if you don't have an existing structure to support the grape vines. To construct a simple trellis, set wooden posts into the ground, no more than 20 feet apart. String two or three horizontal wires (11- or 12-gauge galvanized wire) between the posts. Attach the lowest wire at least 30 inches above the ground.
  • Plan to plant Concord grape vines in early spring. Buy young potted plants or dormant bare-root vines.
  • Prepare the vines for planting. Cut off broken or damaged roots, and prune out multiple canes, leaving just one strong cane. Trim off all but two or three nodes, or buds, on the cane.
  • Dig holes 6 to 10 feet apart, or 4 feet apart if you want a denser look for an arbor. Make the holes wide enough so that the roots can spread out. Backfill the hole with soil, and insert a vertical stake next to each vine. Tie the vine to the stake so it will grow up to the trellis wire or other support.
  • Water the Concord grape vines regularly, once or twice a week, until they are established. Established vines have deep roots, but they still need water during hot weather or drought conditions.

Prune Concord grape vines annually during the dormant period from January through February.

Things You Will Need

  • Tiller
  • Sand
  • Compost or manure
  • Posts
  • Galvanized wire
  • Spade
  • Stakes
  • Tips

Don't prune off one-year old canes: They are the canes that will produce the grape-bearing shoots.

Once the vines are established, prune off up to 90 percent of new growth each year during the dormant period. Vigorous pruning will increase air circulation, which is essential for preventing fungal disease.

Only fertilize your grape vines if the soil is very poor. Too much fertilization results in green top growth and little fruit.

Blue Concord grapes have pits and are not suitable for making raisins.


Blue Concord grapes are very sensitive to 2,4-D herbicide, which is used against broad-leaf weeds in lawns.
Concord grapes are susceptible to phylloxera, a small insect that feeds on grape roots, eventually killing the plants. Don't import vines from other areas or countries, because they may be infested with phylloxera or other pests and diseases.



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